Monday, March 12, 2012

More stash. Oops.

Yes, having a real B. Spears moment here. But before I begin, allow me to qualify - it wasn't my fault. At all. Actually, I didn't even have a choice. Not really.

These sparkly pretties were dropped off to This Is Knit this morning:

as it turns out that all those nice silvery/black/grey ones I dropped off last week looked a little dull and morose in their container, all on their lonesome. Colour was needed to jazz things up a little, and fast.

For the more sophisticated knitter (or those with magpie tendencies), the new stock includes a limited number of these babies:

Trust me, this is not the best picture (actually, it's total crap), they're WAY nicer in person, without a camera flash blaring in their little faces. You're welcome.

Anyway, new stitch markers means new store credit, so the following acquisitions were, well, acquired:

Some Debbie Bliss Paloma, the colour of which I couldn't resist (if it's turquoise or purple, it's mine), and which will probably be turned into some sort of a cowl at some point. Hopefully before next winter.

Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk (fabulous sheen, fabulous colour - hello, purple!), which will become another pair of Miss Potters (the yarn I got last time to make new Miss Potters doesn't go with my other coat. Well okay, it kinda does, but I like my mittens to be coat-specific. And a girl can NEVER have too many pairs of these!).

And finally...

Rialto Lace. Yay! I've been eyeing up this yarn for a long long time (at least it seems like a long time), and today, it is finally mine! All mine! I will give it a wonderful home, and love it for all eternity. And someday, I might even knit something out of it. :o)

(Again, please excuse the crappy-ass photography. The sun went behind a cloud as I clicked, and I didn't cop it until I'd uploaded the pics here. By which time I'd put the yarn away. Feck it anyway, you get the jist).

So not a bad day of 'acquiring', huh? Obviously, the next several posts are going to be all about the physical knitting of these items, instead of being about, urm, getting new items. Honest. I promise. I'll do my bestest. Though given my track record, maybe I should hold back on the promises... ;o)


  1. There's some nice acquiring there! Good luck with the Miss Potters, thanks for the shout out.

    Good luck and don't forget to show us your new projects!

  2. Will do, I promise! And I think that yarn might have been made especially with Miss Potters in mind, it's just dreamy! :)
