Hi all, hope this post is finding everyone still in their pyjamas (mine have ice-skating penguins with Santa hats on them. Just sayin'.), relaxing nicely and enjoying the relative calm after all the fuss yesterday. I'll be honest, this is my favourite day of the Christmas holidays, no pressure, no expectations, just friends and family dropping by, much yapping and catching up, and everyone happy that the madness is over for another year. THIS is the bit where we can all relax and start to enjoy ourselves!
That said, yesterday was wonderful, and everything went according to (a very vague) plan. And no-one's come down with food-poisoning (yet), so I guess I prepped an okay Christmas dinner! Yesterday evening was spent relaxing with my dad and brother, and then I remembered... that nice Christmas set of jug and sugar-bowl on my table that highlighted the fact that the salt and pepper shakers weren't Christmassy at all? There was a reason I bought that nice Karisma in red and white...
There we go, all Christmassy! And cosy, too! And different heights, so we can tell which is salt and which is pepper without having to take their hats off unneccessarily.
Then I started with the icing of one of the cakes being delivered today...
No, not my best work, but bear in mind that this was 3am, it had been a REALLY long few days, and my stupid rolling pin had broken (so I used a bottle of red wine instead!). It'll do. It's the inside cake bit that matters anyway. But of course, this icing progress gave us left-over marzipan, at which point my brother joined the fun... (4am, plus two bottles of red wine later)...
At that point, it was decided that we should probably quit feckin about the kitchen, as other silly people in the neighbourhood might actually have been trying to sleep. And the hats? No, I do not have too much time on my hands. But I hadn't knit even a single row in FOUR WHOLE DAYS and was starting to lose my grip on sanity. All fixed now though.
So Happy Christmas everyone! Hope you get to see everyone you want to see, get plenty of relaxation in, and have an all-round good time. And, as my grandfather used to toast every year, "Go mbeirimid go leir beo ag an am seo arĂs."
Happy Christmas and Merry 2012, one and all.
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