It's just been one of those weeks. Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Okay, well, not quite EVERYTHING, but enough to make this a truly crappy-ass week that I'm struggling to get through.
I won't bore you with the details (hell, they bore me!), but suffice to say my health is really crappy right now, I'm absolutely wrecked, I hate the sight of hospitals at this stage, and I'm rapidly realising just how god-awful it is to try and do a proper Christmas for your family when you don't actually have a source of income. Yes, you could say I'm probably feeling a little sorry for myself right now. Screw it!
So, positives, people, let's focus on the positives! I have a family that I will be spending Christmas with. And they're quite a nice family, even if I do say so myself. Perhaps a touch on the crazy side, but then that's probably why I fit in so well here!
I finally finished my Half-Pi Shawl (had hit the point where I thought it was never going to end!), and it came out fabulously. Of course, then couldn't find new batteries for my camera anywhere to take pictures, so that'll have to wait. Soon, I promise!
The Christmas cakes have been baked (house smells beautifully of alcohol and fruit!), and I'll have the fun of icing them to look forward to next week. When I'll be doing the mince-pies with the little Christmas trees on them too. Maybe with some little snowmen, or some holly, for variety. I really love baking, especially at this time of year, nothing like it to lift the spirits (especially when several shots of spirits have made it into the recipe!).
Being so down this week has gotten me thinking though, of those who get seriously depressed this time of year. People are all incredibly busy around now, and as a result, don't always have the time a friend may be in desperate need of. (I have a list of unanswered e-mails/text messages from the past couple of weeks that kinda proves the point). However, the recently launched site, Black Dog Tribe, is definitely a place to consider for anyone you know in this predicament. This country has one of the highest rates of suicide in Europe, and it peaks at this time of year. Just because someone's smiley on the outside doesn't mean they're all warm and fuzzy on the inside too. Check. Ask. Make five minutes in your hectic lives for those who might really truly need it. Christmas is not about stuff, it's about people.
Okay, a very serious post for the day, I know, but I promise to endeavour to give a more light-hearted one next time. Maybe even with shawl pictures! Or iced Christmas cakes! ;o)
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