Man, it's been ages! So much for my 'must post regularly to blog' ethos!
In my defence, it has been a strange strange year, one that has kept me muchly occupied (though still allowing for precious knitting and reading opportunities). In brief - really really sick, then a little bit better, then really REALLY sick, then major surgery, followed by many long weeks of recouperation. Oh, and I also moved house. Which brings us pretty much up to date, won't bore you with the details!
Fun lined up for this week (which I will do my best to comment on as I go) - tomorrow there's a lecture in the library in the Ilac Centre, entitled "Science and Culture in Victorian Dublin", sounds fascinating and will be doing my bestest to attend (details here). May also drop in to This Is Knit, god knows it's been a while, particularly ages since a decent stash of my stitchmarkers has been delivered!

I've made a lot. 59 to be exact. No, not 60, as I ran out of hoops. Perhaps if I hadn't spent the bulk of my afternoon beforehand making earrings and stuff I'd have gotten more done, (and had more hoops!) but what the hey! And no, my presentation isn't great, but I'm rushing here to get other stuff done, plus my camera skills are non-existent. But you get the jist!
Thursday sees the relaunch of This Is Knit and their fab new premises in the Powerscourt Townhouse Centre. Lots of yarns, lots of peoples I haven't seen in ages, so really looking forward to this one. After that, I think Friday will be a quiet night in for me and my knitting!
Knitting-wise, I started on a variation of a half-Pi shawl a couple of days ago. Nice pattern, FABULOUS yarn, this will definitely be my 'go-to' yarn for all future shawl-knitting projects! (Thank you, Constant Knitter!). Was going great, til I discovered this morning that my stitch count is off. And I have no idea how or why. So I'm thinking some improvisation is called for, cuz there's no way in HELL I'm unpicking 311 stitches and many many rows!
Will keep you posted as to how it turns out... maybe...